• Wednesday Mar 12 2025

Organizational Capacity

Friends Foundation’s Programmes designed around the thematic focus on Health, WASH, Livelihood, Education, Disaster management relief and Human Rights( especially Women and Children). FF emphasize on raising awareness, provision of services and creating an enabling environment.

FF has initiated the projects and programs through Social mobilization and capacity development with all key strategic partners, i.e. women and youth groups, old age group, government departments, media and civil society organizations that has replicated the programmes within their organisations and in institutions. The awareness has reflected through active participation of different stakeholders at interactive dialogues at different stages of the program.

Friends Foundation ensured the provision of services in the areas of Health, organization skill development and relief and rehabilitation of affected communities in selected districts under the proposed program.

Enabling environment requires extensive mobilization and engagement to influence policy making and implementation mechanisms. Beginning with regular debates on certain issues that ensure the protection of the rights of marginalized groups, it will move upward to provincial and national level government. The goal could be achieved by engaging/joining strategic partners through mobilization and strengthening of networks and forums, developing linkages, research based advocacy and lobbying.