• Wednesday Mar 12 2025

Gender Mainstreaming

The low social and economic status of women and their significant contribution to the household and village economies in most areas of Pakistan are well known facts though not as well documented. Field visits by FF team have shown that the oft-cited constraints on women’s involvement in the development process can be overcome. There has been significant progress in terms of changes in the attitudes of men to gender segregation, as is evident from the growing demand for education for girls. Education can and will make a big difference in the lives of women as well as in their relationships with men as equal partners.

FF Vision on Gender Mainstreaming

Harnessing the potential of women.

Enhancement of Productive capacities of Women and Men.

Reduction of barriers which limit the women, men and children contribution in every step of the society upcoming.

FF Key activities for promotion of Gender Equality

FF ensures women and men equal participation during project designing, implementation and monitoring and evaluation process according to target population.


  • Friends Foundation has implemented the ‘Water Sanitation and Hygiene improvement through gender mainstreaming & capacity building of the local authorities’ project” funded by UN-HABITAT in Rawalpindi. Under this Project, FF ensured women integration during every step of project as primary beneficiaries.
  • Mortality rate of Pakistan is very low; keeping in mind the gap number of projects were implemented to reduce the ratio.

Women participation in health committees, CBOs is highly appreciated by FF.