• Saturday Jul 27 2024

HIV & AIDS Awareness Project

The objectives of the project were to raise awareness in the targeted community by celebrating world HIV & AIDS days and other activities FF, being the active member of APACHA alliance, has implemented the HIV& AIDS awareness project in Rawalpindi. Following interventions were made under this project:

  • Social mobilization of target population (-----HH’s)
  • Formation of -------community groups ( male-------and Female-------
  • Capacity building of the------ local communities (HH’s)
  • Organization of --------seminars/sessions and benefiited ------male------female and -----youth
  • Celebration of World HIV& AIDS Day and benefitted ------male-----female
  • Dissemination of quantity of -----------IEC material

Total Beneficiaries : 2,000 Families (direct) 1000,000 beneficiaries