• Wednesday Mar 12 2025

WASH assistance to the flood effcetees 2012 D G Khan

Location/Target Area/Geographical area of implementation: D G Khan

Project duration: June to Sep 2013

Name of Donor agency/ funding source: CONCERN WORLDWIDE RAPID Fund

Project Cost PKR: 15070198

Key Outputs/ Deliverables: Installation of Hand Pumps, Construction of Latrines, Hygiene Kit distribution, Hygiene Sessions

Pakistan is one of those countries where open defecation is very high because the rural communities are still unaware of basic health facilities. The lack of water, soap, washrooms, medical facilities and awareness made things more complicated and dangerous. Some of children and adults are suffering from diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid and eye infections due to the unhygienic conditions.
FF is committed to deliver the quality water for drinking to its communities through an approach “behaviors & attitudes change” of the primary target group i.e. women, men and children and other indirect groups to reduce water borne diseases, especially diarrhea in children aged less than 5.

FF delivers services for safe drinking water as under

  • Installation & Rehabilitation of Hand Pumps
  • Construction of Latrines
  • Hygiene Kit distribution
  • Hygiene session with school children, Women & Men
  • Distribution of IEC Material, Jerry Cans, Water Cooler and Hygiene Kits.